A computer virus is the name given to a kind of program that appears on your computer without you intentionally downloading it.
[/sayit][sayit block=”1″ lang=”en-GB” speed=”1″]An example of how this can happen by clicking onto links on an unsafe website.
[/sayit][sayit block=”1″ lang=”en-GB” speed=”1″]These programs have a negative effect on your computer, often stopping it from working properly.
[/sayit][sayit block=”1″ lang=”en-GB” speed=”1″]Because of this, it is important to make sure your computer is protected.
[/sayit][sayit block=”1″ lang=”en-GB” speed=”1″]The best way to do this is to install an antivirus program which will help protect your computer from different kinds of threats, including spyware and ransomware.