There are many online drug misuse websites available to help you. Here are some that we recommend if you need help now.
[/sayit]Find out everything you need to know about drugs, their effects and the law. Talk to Frank for facts, support and advice on drugs and alcohol today.
[/sayit] Go to FRANK
Organisation providing free legal advice on drug issues, and a helpline – 020 7342 2989.
[/sayit] Go to Release
Drugs and Me provides accessible, objective and comprehensive educational material to help reduce the short and long term harms of drugs.
[/sayit] Go to Drugs and MeThe NHS website lists all of the available local services that are available, and lets you search through them.
[/sayit][sayit block=”1″ lang=”en-GB” speed=”1″]By finding a local service you’ll be able to use any of the local facilities near to you.
[/sayit][sayit block=”1″ lang=”en-GB” speed=”1″]Also the local service will know all of the other local services and may be able to find something nearby which suits you well.
[/sayit] Find a Local Service