Keyboard shortcuts

Copying and pasting

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When using the internet, if there’s ever a piece of text that you’d like to copy, there’s a keyboard shortcut you can use which makes it a lot easier.

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Simply highlight the text you’d like to copy with your mouse, hold the “ctrl” key then press the “c” key to copy.

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Then when you want to paste what you’ve copied, click where you’d like the text to go, then hold the “ctrl” key and press the “v” key.


Refreshing websites

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If you’re on a website, and it’s taking a unusually long time to load or seems to be behaving unusually, you may need to refresh the page.

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Refreshing the page means that you loads another brand new version of the page you were looking at, which normally sorts out any problems. [/sayit]

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There are two easy way of doing this, one uses a shortcut and the other a function key. The shortcut it to hold the “ctrl” key, and then press the “r” key, and the page will refresh. Alternatively you can use a function key, and in this instance the one to refresh a page is the “f5” key. [/sayit]